Friday, March 20, 2015


What can I say but sorry?  Life just got absolutely crazy busy.  I seriously do not know where the last 7 months have went.

Let's see where shall we start with the update???   Hmmm  Oh, I know!

 Let's start with Alyssa totally knocked out the 4th-grade curriculum in no time flat and is currently almost 25% done with the 5th grade in all subjects.  At this rate, she will be working on the 6th-grade curriculum by August.  She is loving school again and I couldn't be happier!  Well yeah, actually I could if only they would do away with common core and PARCC testing.  Seriously they are a major pain my a@@!  But either way I am extremely proud of my kiddo and her determination to keep going now matter what or how stupid she thinks it is!  And trust me, she rants about the stupidity of common core math DAILY!

Oh and did I mention while dealing with school, work and normal life crap I am now planning a wedding?  Yeah, seriously I think I have spent just as much time trying to convince the love of my life to just elope it as I have planning it.  Only 99 days left to go so I still have some time to convince him right?  I mean really what man wouldn't jump on the fact that his other half wants to save thousands of dollars and just elope it??  Mine that's who!  I tell you we are a bunch of oddballs in this house.  LOL

Also, while dealing with all of that I've been on a mission to cut out as much preprocessed crap out of our diets as possible.  Do you know how hard that is?  But the bonus to it is it has me cooking a lot more, and I am loving every single minute of it.  I am starting to become a tad bit of a foodie!  LOL

Well until next time hug your kids and tell your family you love them daily.  You never know when they won't be there!

- Dr Pepper and Chocolate Milk

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